03661-275204 | 03661-270133



Department of Computer Science

::Department of Computer Science::

Departmental Profile :

The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2007; the Department of Computer Science has been imparting Computer Science general courses to the students through its ongoing B. Sc. program. The academic program of the Department is according to the curriculum designed by Gauhati University.

Laboratory Facilities:

The Department of Computer Science has well equipped Air Conditioned Computer Laboratory.

Library facility:

Besides the College central Library the department has its own departmental library.

Departmental Activities:

Free Computer Training Centre:

The Department of Computer Science is running a Free Computer Training Course. The First Phase of training already completed on 2010-11 session and second phase will be start on next academic session.

Certificate course in IT:

The Department of Computer Science has started a Certificate Course in IT funded by University Grant Commission.

In charge:


Presently the department offers Major and General course of Bachelor of Science under Gauhati University.

Wall Magazine:

The Department of Computer Science has a Departmental Wall Magazine. Relevant topics has been published and displayed for the readers.
In-Charge- .

Departmental Activities:

  • Organized Departmental Seminar for the faculty members as well as for the students where one seminar is given by faculty member and four seminars given by students.
  • Departmental Freshman Social day.
  • Completed one month computer training course.